Battery Dance Company connects the world through dance. We pursue artistic excellence and social relevance by creating vibrant new works, performing on the world’s stages, presenting dance in public spaces, serving the field of dance and teaching...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Our Vision:
The Orange County Arts Council envisions a community that supports the arts and appreciates how the arts enrich human experience and illuminate the human condition.
Our Mission:
To strengthen the arts in Orange County by providing...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Wandering Souls is dedicated to making the luxury of the arts more accessible to everyone!
At the core of our mission is a belief that the arts can fuel our imagination, encourage our personal growth and help unite individuals and communities. Yet,...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Promethean Community uses a variety of theater techniques to co-create an environment that allows the community stakeholders to create new ways of relating to each other. This consciousness raising allows the community to create an on-going...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
"100 Faces of War Experience: Portraits and Words of Americans Who Served in Iraq and Afghanistan" creates a large survey of the American personal experience of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, using tools of sociology, participant generated content,...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Theater of War is a project of Outside the Wire, a company that uses theater and other media to analyze and confront the social issues of various communities. Combat-related physical and psychological issues are not easy topics to approach with the...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Before I Die is an interactive public art project that invites people to share their hopes and dreams in public space. Originally created on an abandoned house in Candy's neighborhood in New Orleans after she lost someone she loved, the project has...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Operation: Homecoming is a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Department of Defense that makes writing an important component of rehabilitation and recovery. Starting with a writing workshop built into the critical...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
The Writers Guild Foundation (WGF) holds an annual retreat for veterans and active duty service members, known as the Military Veterans Writing Workshop. WGF provides an outlet for those returning from war who might be having difficulties...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
CAMMO fosters and nurtures the musical talent of veterans and active duty service members by providing them with opportunities to train with professionals, to record, and to perform. CAMMO brings veterans together with industry experts and helps...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Design a mural that will go onto the side of our building or another building in Charles Village area
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
WHAT DO YOU DO? is an interview-theatre project in Baltimore, MD. The title question can be hard to answer for people who are unemployed, underemployed, or pursuing an unpaid passion while working another gig for pay.
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
A film about government corruption and how it causes our system to work against us. I'm a former business lobbyist. I've participated in this legalized corruption. I've represented corporate interest before state and federal officials. I get...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Combat Paper Project uses artistic innovation to acknowledge the weight military uniforms carry. Instead of leaving uniforms—canvases of a different kind already covered in symbolism—to hang and gather dust at the back of a storage room, the project...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
Jaeson Parsons started the Graffiti of War Project after he returned from Iraq, where he served as an Army medic, and found that not all of his therapy needs could be met through the Veterans Affairs hospital. Sparked by the off-hand and impromptu...
Last Updated: June 11, 2013