

Minneapolis, MN55413
United States
Programs and Services: 

nim-bus, n.

1. a : A bright cloud, or cloudlike splendor, imagined as investing deities when they appeared on earth. b : a cloud or atmosphere about a person or thing
2 : A bright or golden disk surrounding the head of a drawn or sculptured divinity, saint, or sovereign
3 a : a rain cloud

nimbus has been producing interesting, experimental, and challenging theatre in the Twin Cities since 2001. The theater strives to present an engaging mix of under-appreciated works by established playwrights, new plays by emerging playwrights and innovative company-created productions.

nimbus believes in art as a medium, conduit, and an end unto itself. It is immediate, malleable, all-encompassing, yet strangely yours. nimbus believes in theatre as a collaboration of individuals in the the hopes of becoming greater than the sum of its parts; a dialogue of artists and audience asking unanswerable questions.

Above the maddening din of pat answers, advertising chatter, and pop culture jingles, nimbus asks its audiences, collaborators, and conspirators to question ideas, emotions, and easy answers. nimbus present work that entertains, provokes, challenges, and just plain baffles.

Organization Type: 
Arts Organization