Panta Rhea Foundation


1505 Bridgeway Ste 127
Sausalito, CA94965
United States
(415) 331-3737
Programs and Services: 

The Panta Rhea Foundation (PRF) was established in 2001 as a private foundation devoted to researching issues and analyzing the operations, goals and potential of organizations committed to building a more just and sustainable world. The Foundation advises individual donors and other charitable entities on grantmaking strategies and specific grants.

We believe that lasting, authentic change must come from the grassroots; from the organized efforts of people and organizations to enliven the social imagination and envision a better future, to experiment with new ideas, and to hold elected leaders and corporations accountable to the communities they serve.

Organization Type: 
Public or Private Sector: 
Type of Funding Agency: 
Private Foundation
Type of Support: 
Multiple Discrete Program Areas or Departments
Types of Activities Funded: 
Total Funds Granted for Arts for Change Activity: 
Restrictions on Grantmaking: